The essay is about the Alien and Sedition Acts.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Sedition and Alien Acts: A Push Towards Political Parties A huge amount of domestic turmoil and international crisis existed in America during June and July of 1798. This domestic turmoil and international crisis began with the outbreak of the French Revolution and continued on until Congress passed four bills, known as the Sedition and Alien Acts, which caused much controversy and debate. There was much disputation in 1798 about how much Freedom of Speech should be …

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…defense in France, his own government, isn't an American. He could later be known as a fool, traitor, or madman. For the first time in the history of America, two separate and distinct political parties were forming and the differences between them were being made more solid. Although the Alien and Sedition Acts might have been unconstitutional, they provided that extra little push that was needed in forming two opposite and greatly requisite political parties.