The essay is abou the first two succeors of Muhammad (Abu Bakr and Umar and the the things they did to prosper Islam.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
The death of Muhammad in 632 made confusion in the Muslim community. Muhammad had left no information on who should rule after him. After a long discussion by the members of the community, Abu Bakr was selected as the first Khalifah. The confusion did not end with Abu Bakr's succession. Tribes all around Arabia revolted. They still accepted Muhammad as a prophet but they refused to send taxes to Medina. Known as the "Riddah Wars", the …

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…give money for the treasury. Soldiers and Muhammad's relatives received reward from the state. Umar kept the neighborhood officers but chose governors to run their work. The soldiers were housed in barracks, which kept them from interacting with the narrow population and also kept them mobilized. Among his many legal rules, Umar is recognized with the fixing of a new period to the year of the migration from Mecca to Medina. Umar was assassinated in 644.