The essay discusses Nano technology and questions if AI will be able to express true emotions.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Nano Technology The goal of this paper is to discuss the up coming advances in technology in the computer world. The basis for this topic is that technology of the present is old and dull. Society has very short attention spans; once they are introduced to something, they get bored with it fast. But, the future contains things that we as a society have never seen before, giving us that feeling of excitement all over …

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…of popular game. Blockbuster might turn into Gamebuster. But, with the further advances in gaming consoles, which I am already falling behind in, games could be downloaded via Internet as well. I guess the only real way to find answers to all these questions is to just sit back and enjoy the future as it comes. Lets just hope that in the future, we will be the ones controlling the robots and not vise versa.