The effects of individual visit scheme and the liberalization of gamble license to the development Macau's economy.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Economics
More and more mainland visitors have come to Macau since the hand over. Now, Macau government has given out the policy---individual visit scheme. Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou became the first three open cities in September 2003. From other informal information, Hong Kong and Macau government will open 7-9 cities in three provinces--Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangsu later on, and from May 1st, 2004, the whole Guangdong province will be open. The individual visit scheme can make good influence …

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…will have a bad influences to teenagers. Teenagers will think that they do not have to work, gambling can take them a wonderful life. Nowadays, Macauslot allow teenagers that are over 18 to gamble. It puts the teenagers to a dangerous place. Therefore, the Government should handle these problems very carefully in a way that will not affect the development of individual visit scheme and the liberalization of gamble license which are beneficial to Macau's economy.