The effects of global warming in the Pacific Northwest
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Pages: 4
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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
Global warming is the gradual increase in global temperatures caused by the emission of gases that trap the sun's heat in the Earth's atmosphere. Gases that contribute to global warming include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and halocarbons (the replacements for CFCs). The Earth has warmed by 1.1º F and the Pacific Northwest by 1.5º F within the last 100 years.1 Global warming will have severe repercussions on the Pacific
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pulmonary congestion, chest pains, and nausea. Some form of climate change will continue to change how we live, problems will occur when changes occur too fast for us to adapt or for science to solve our problems. We need to decrease demand for our natural resources, ensure biodiversity in our ecosystems, and plan ahead for the future. If we do these things then no matter what happens we will be able to live with it.
pulmonary congestion, chest pains, and nausea. Some form of climate change will continue to change how we live, problems will occur when changes occur too fast for us to adapt or for science to solve our problems. We need to decrease demand for our natural resources, ensure biodiversity in our ecosystems, and plan ahead for the future. If we do these things then no matter what happens we will be able to live with it.