The economic effects (positive and negataive) of immigration in Australia.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Economics
1. Introduction A larger population, generally results in a larger economy (Source: It is for this reason that immigration plays such a key role in developing Australia's economy and transforming it into a world power. Immigration possesses not only economic advantages, but socially rewarding changes for those countries who are accepting of migrants in what has been termed, "the age of migration". Australia's long experience …

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…date accessed: April 2004 11. "Immigration economics," author - GLENN WITHERS, from:, date accessed: May 2004 12. "ABC Radio National," author - interview, from:, date accessed: May 2004 13. "A new paradigm of international migration: implications for migration policy and planning for Australia," author - Professor Graeme Hugo, from:, date accessed: May 2004