The documentary "The Corporation" by Mark achbar, Jennifer Abbot & Joel Bakan.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
The Corporation-Long Essay. The function of documentaries is to present real life issues or subjects to the general public. As they present facts, documentaries can be accepted as, to an extent, an accurate representation of reality. However it is not true to say that they are completely factual and that everything presented in a documentary is true. Coming to an agreement, particularly over controversial issues such as the influence of corporations in our society, is …

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…as being a destructive institution with no morals. This negative representation of corporations is merely a one sided view of corporations. Other documentaries may present corporations as being great institutions, which can serve the public and bring people wealth. As corporations can be presented in many ways, depending on the values and attitudes of the documentary makers, it can be concluded that documentaries are not necessarily completely true but rather offer its representation of reality.