The distribution, exhibition and production of the Nickeldeon theatres.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Although short-lived, the nickelodeon theatre was a pioneer movie house. It's reign began in 1905 and lasted a mere nine years ending in 1914. During these years it provided the movies with its first permanent home, established a durable pattern for nationwide distribution, and most importantly built for the motion picture an audience that would continue to support it for another forty years. After the decline of the nickelodeon it still survived in popular legend as a …

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…task generally credited to imported features, movies palaces and World War 1. Mostly, it was the work of immigrants who would go on to control production as they had exhibition. As film manufacturers their names - Zukor, Loew, Laemmle, Fox, Mayer, the Warners - would become nearly as famous as the stars they promoted. But even as anonymous nickelodeon operators they moved the industry in the direction that would remain unchanged for another generation.