The disparity of the North and the South

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Pages: 13
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
Introduction This assignment is talking about the developed countries are expected to benefit the most from the technological advanced, with those less developed countries being far left behind. If technological advanced were the sources of sustainable economic growth and development, it would mean that the disparity between the North and the South will be further widened. Evaluate the tasks of national or international institutions to fill up the gap. Technological innovation can often enjoy a …

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…Turkey<Tab/>74.9<Tab/>10.2 Australia<Tab/>51.2<Tab/>6.9 Hong Kong<Tab/>44.7<Tab/>6.1 Germany<Tab/>37.2<Tab/>5.1 Others<Tab/>734.2<Tab/>26.0 Total<Tab/>734.2<Tab/>26.0 (Sources: