The diffuculties and pressures that are put upon teens today has changed over time.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
The difficulties and pressures that are put upon teens today have changed over time. The concerns of today's adults and how they relate to today's teens are different because of current issues such as sex, drugs, and violence. Each person has different concerns and expresses them in their own way. S.E. Hinton started a revolution in the treatment of teens by stating her concerns in her novels. The author S.E. Hinton had many …

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…the reader could see the life of a seemingly average boy and what he goes through to not be like Bryon and Mark. S.E. Hinton started a revolution in the treatment of teens by stating her concerns for them in her novels. Some of these concerns were relevant to only certain people but most are experienced somehow by every teen. These concerns have changed over time because that was then and this is now.