"The difference between baseball and softball?" It shows some of the major differences between baseball and softball within a creative writing style.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
1 English 1010-12N 22 March 2002 The Difference Between Baseball and Softball Is it baseball or softball? It is the smell of the grass, the swirling of the dust, and the crack of the bat that all signal the start of America's favorite pastime, baseball. Even with the popularity of baseball, girls' fast pitch softball has competitively nipped at baseball's heels for the past few years. You have a bat, a ball, and you are hoping for …

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…are definitely not the same. It may be hard to tell, but there are a few major differences between baseball and softball such as the field, the strategy and style, and the rules of the game that show strikingly dissimilar these two sports actually are. Even though baseball and softball may commonly confuse a person, as to which is which, one thing is for sure, they are both fun to watch and play. 4 Works Cited