The declaration of independance and its importance in american history.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The declaration of independence is a very important document in America's history. It proclaims the separation of the 13 colonies settled in America from the mother country Britain. It played a major role in the American Revolution. Over 150 years of America living under British rule, Britain decided to put tax on certain items. It started with the sugar act then progressed with the stamp act, which both angered the colonies and developed the phrase 'No taxation …

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…declared itself a republic. The republic became very successful and inspired other countries to change. The declaration of independence played a very important role in the history of America and the development of Europe. It helped America split with Britain and influenced many other important documents such as 'The declaration of the rights of man' adopted by the national assembly in France. The declaration of independence is a great historical document. By Carlo Di Mauro