The day I left Vietnam: Creative Writing Mr. Lally Class Assignment

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
The day I left Vietnam KienCuong Nguyen I still remember that day; it was July 4, 1994. My family including my parents, my three younger sisters, and I were going to leave Vietnam to come to the United States. We had permission from the United States government to come over to the United States because my father used to work for the United States Army during the Vietnam war. I woke up about eight o'clock in the …

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…realized my eyes were full of tears. I did not want to let anybody see me crying so I quickly cleaned my face. The plane took off fifteen minutes later. From the plane I looked down to see the land the last time. All the memories came to my mind and once again my eye was full of tears. When I stepped down to the Atlanta airport, I realized that I really left my heart.