"The curse of the Billy Goat", a brief history of the Chicago Cubs, what is the Billy Goat curse,and what are Chicago cubs fans reaction to all the losing and the curse.

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Its game 6 of the National league championship Series, the Cubs lead the series 3 games to 1 over the Florida Marlins; it's the 8th inning of the sixth game with the Cubs leading 3 to nothing. The Florida Marlins are up with a runner on a first and only 1 out, the batter, Derek Lee, hits a pop fly down the left field line one row into the stands, Moises Alou, the cubs' left fielder, reaches for the ball …

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…years because it only comes around every hundred years. In conclusion, the cubs may or may not win a World Series in our lifetime, but if history repeats itself they will have their chances, the billy goat curse may or may not be to blame for all this losing, but the one bright spot for the cubs' is the fans, no matter the amount of losing the fans, still believe, Next year is the year.