The court system, and it's capability to put innocent people into jail or to death as seen in the book A Tale of Two Cities

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Useful for ideas, though you may want to rewrite some things and fix it to the A level A creative and well written essay. Use more examples from the book. There are many examples in the book A Tale of Two Cities of mistakes made by the legal system. The legal system has the capability to punish innocent men, and to set free or even reward a guilty one. Though it usually makes a just …

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…in any legal system. The court system, though it has the capability to punish the innocent and set free or even reward the guilty, is a beneficial and necessary system. Without it, there would be no way to uphold the rights for the common man, and there would be no way to fairly determine whether or not a man is guilty or innocent. There would also be no way to fairly determine and administer punishment.