The contributions of Plato to the western civilization and philosophy.

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Metaphysics: Plato's greatest contribution to modern society is found in his theories relating to metaphysics. These is now referred to as Platonism (or Exaggerated Realism). Plato divides his world into two aspects: the intelligible world and the perceptual world. The Perceptual world: Plato saw the perceptual world around us as imperfect copies of the intelligible forms or ideas. The Intelligible world: Forms are unchangeable and perfect, and only comprehensible by the use of intellect and …

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…to remain balanced, but the Philosophers have to guide them. In "The Republic", he outlines a new form of government, ruled not by the masses (as in democracy), not by the aristocracy (as in oligarchy, or monarchy), but by the intellectuals, or, as he called them, Lovers of Wisdom, or Philosophers. This system of government was very strict, aiming to dissuade ties of kinship and to weed out anyone not worthy of the Philosopher's life.