The connection between entrepreneurship and small business.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
This essay discusses the concepts of small business and entrepreneurship and relationship between them. We will try to define and explain the terms ?owner-manager? and entrepreneur, in other words who operate a small business enterprises. We also will examine the similarities and differences of these terms. From the outset it needs to be emphasized that while we will talk about the small business and entrepreneurship, these terms need to be defined. For small business there …

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…structure and dynamic. Retrieved March 23, 2002 from the World Wide Web: Kirkwood, J. & Brown, K. (2001). Defining our Entrepreneurs. NZBusiness. November 2001, 22-24. Hodgetts, R. & Kupatko, D. (1998). Effective Small Business Management. (6th ed.). Fort Worth: The Dryden Press. Bollard, A. (1988). Small Businesses in New Zealand. New Zealand: Allen& Unwin/Port Nicholson Press. Sheeran, G. (1997). Help for Small Businesses. Sunday Star Times, 1 June, 2.