The concept of social identity, social class,gender and ethnicity.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Social Identity is the understanding of who we are, and reciprocally, other people's understanding of themselves. Richard Jenkins believed that this social identity is achieved through socialization within social groups. He argued that by placing themselves in the role of others, people, particularly children, gain a greater understanding of the role that they should play. For example, a six-year-old girl playing "mommy" with her dolls will, as she gets into the role, begin to understand …

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…helps us to develop national or religious pride, to understand social rules, and to hope that we are treated with cultural relativism rather than ethnocentricity by another society. Accepting our social class can open doors to proceeding higher up the societal ladder. Social class may not always be determined by wealth but also by actions. Social identity is formed by these three elements and can be determined by the treatment of the rest of society.