The concept of Identity in "About A Boy" by Nick Hornby

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Identity, as Oxford Dictionary defines, is simply who someone is. This definition opens up the concept of identity to many interpretations, an example of which is shown through the novel, "About A Boy" by Nick Hornby. The novel is essentially about a man and a boy helping each other find their own identities. Will, is a 36 year old man who is unwilling to settle down in life, while Marcus is a 12 year old boy who …

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…About A Boy, a concept of identity similar to that of Unreliable Memoirs is portrayed- that is, the notion of personal VS social identity. In closing, Hornby's primary interpretation of individuality is that, though society plays a part in shaping one's identity, it is nevertheless up to the person to find their own identity. Through uses of slang, pop culture references and multiple narrations, Hornby has come up with his own interpretation of identity. Thankyou.