The comparison of policies to attract foreign talents for Singapore and New Zealand.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
This passage is intended to compare the policies used by both Singapore and New Zealand governments to attract foreign talents to illustrate the importance of oversea human resources to the economies of both countries. The author's intention is only to narrate objectively about the policies or strategies, but not to give right and wrong appraisal of the policies. Geography Characters Singapore is a small island, stretched 42km from east to west and 23km from south …

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…of those occupations most needed by domestic development 4.More work should be done to help foreigners to settle and adapt the culture shock; 5.Those policies should be considered as strategically important and be revised timely. Reference: 1.Bhasin, Cheng, The fight for global talent: new directions, new competitors--a case study on Singapore, Career Development International 7/2/2002, p109-112 2.Nicky Chapman, Facts New Zealand, Bateman, p7-9; p77-79; p252 4.New Zealand Official Yearbook 2002