The color purple by Alice Walker Writen as a new character (Sophia) in Celie's situaion A New Beginning

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He act like he can't stand me no more. Say I'm evil an always up to no good. He tries to take my baby but I don't want to let him go. 'No,' I whisper but he acts like he doesn't hear me. I don't let him go because I know Pa will want to kill him, just like he killed my little girl. I try and sit up but Pa doesn't want to …

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…and see the minister standing there watching Pa. 'You'll regret leaving,' whispers Pa as he turns to leave, but I know I won't, I am so proud of myself and glad that I can finally live the life I have dreamed of since I was young. I close the big wooden doors, and turn to him and said 'Thank-you, you don't know how much you have changed my life. May God bless you.'