The cold war causes and root of World War II.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
COLD WAR:A cold war is fought with name calling propaganda Spies, and submersion. Any plot to overthrow a lawful Government is called submersion. A cold war has been going on in the world for more than twenty years. On one side are the free Nations of the world led by the U.S. on the other side is the communist nations led by the Soviet Union and China. During World War II the Unites …

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…determined to expand their all had plans to continue to invade other countries and if no other country would have taken as much land as they could. They would have been that there would be more communist countries with bad intentions to rule the world in pure dominance and dictatorship. The U.S. would not have allowed that and neither would the other world leaders. This is why world War II was destined to happen.