"The clockwork orange".

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Review of A Clockwork Orange As an avid reader of political fiction, I found A Clockwork Orange to be one of the best books of that genre I have read. It is well written with a fast-paced, engaging plot and complex character development. Not only did this book hold my interest it also had an import social message to deliver. This novel is a futuristic story about what could happen in a society where people …

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…I still don't think it was essential. Other than this, I wouldn't change anything in the book. This book is an outstanding example of what can happen when either totalitarianism or anarchy rule a society. It shows how neither extreme works well. The story also makes a strong statement about the need for people to exercise freewill in their lives. I think almost everybody would enjoy A Clockwork Orange, especially those interested in political fiction.