The classification of a humans emotions: happiness, sadness,

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Emotional Breakdown Ciera L. Wardlow November 1st, 2003 period 3 What makes the human race so spectacular is its' ability to express; thoughts, feelings, and emotions. There are many ways to express oneself and the most prenominate form is communication, but your emotional reaction to life is just as vital. The four basic emotions that a person will feel in his or her life time consist of, happiness, sadness, fear, and anger. Most people will explore every …

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…within their life time. Even though, emotions are a great way to express how you feel they can also reveal a persons biggest weaknesses. Although most of the time your body will express your happiness, sadness, fear, or anger whether you want to or not. So, it makes you wonder, if society didn't teach us how to emotionalize our life's then would we have these emotions that we spend our whole life trying to comprehend?