The classification of Ophidia Serpentes. A classification essay on snakes. The essay mostly places them into 2 categories, venomous and nonvenomous

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
The Classification of Ophidia Serpentes Ah yes, the classification Ophidia Serpentes, known to most people simply as... snakes. There are many different kinds of snakes in the world, and they can be separated into several different categories by; location, coloring, size, method of birth, and the way they kill their prey to name a few. Snakes have long been thought to be the living ancestors of the dinosaurs. The separation of continents, along with thousands …

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…with wild snakes. Perhaps that's why long ago people made specific distinctions between these snakes, in more recent times these classifications have been revised by scientist during their intensive categorizing and classification process of animals worldwide. Despite the fear some people have for these wonderful reptiles, they are helpful to our lives as well as nature. They help keep down the rodent population and are even being looked into as having great modern medical potentials.