The causes of the break up of the Union: the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the decision of the Dred Scott case and of course, slavery

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The American Civil War was the bloodiest American War, which placed brother against brother and tested the will of the Union. There were many causes to the breakup of the Union in 1860 to1861, but there are three that stood out the most. Many people believe that the Civil War was a war fought solely over slavery, but the reality was it was fought on several fronts. The three main causes were: the passage of the …

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…have been saved. The diversity between the North and the South really influenced the decision the South made to secede. They figured that they were so different from the rest of the country might as well be separated. Events such as the decision of the Dred Scott case and the signing of the Kansas Nebraska Act were main causes to the break up of the Union but the underlying and most important issue was slavery.