The causes of the Russian revolution in 1905

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
The combination of factors that brought tension into the Russian society reached the top point in 1905; revolution took place because of military, economic, and political reasons. The failure of the war against Japan was one of the main short-term causes of the revolution. 1904, Plehev, the Tsar's Minister of the Interior recommended Nicholas 'a small victorious war to stop the revolutionary tide'. This policy resulted in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. Unlike the expectations of Russia, …

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…Black Sea. Throughout the Empire, the discontent became serious. The decision of Nicholas II to fight against Japan during an economic slump resulted in angry workers who suffered from food shortages and unemployment, poor working conditions caused by industrialization and lack of political reforms caused the people to march on January 9th 1905, and the repressive actions of the government (i.e the open fire toward the marchers) triggered the long ripened Russian society to revolt.