The causes of children's difficulties in divorce families

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
"Is divorce harmful to children?" While this question may seem like very important question, I would like to suggest that it is time to examine a more important question which is "What are the factors in divorcing families that contributes to children having the difficulties." These children have more difficulty in school, more behavior problems, more problems with peers, and more problems get along with their parent. There are many causes that contribute difficulties for …

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…expressions of anger were a result of fears of abandonment and vulnerability. Some even blamed theirs mother for making their father leave (Guttmann 180). In conclusion, the overall results of these studies suggest that children from divorces families experience more difficulties. According to the evidence suggests that the loss of parents, economics difficulties and stress all contribute the difficulties of children. These results show significant point to parents who interested in designing to create divorcing families.