The byzantine in 1000 AD

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Essay Database > History
FASCISM For many years a taboo subject for all but a small number of specialists primarily in the fields of history and political science, and treated as an aberration in discussions of 'Western Culture', fascism has returned with a vengeance. The resurgence of extreme right wing and neo-fascist movements in Europe and throughout the world in the last fifteen years have, of course, played a major and indeed chilling role in this 'return'. So too, …

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…r, he could think of no more appropriately damning metaphor for Sadam Hussein than to describe him as "worse than Hitler". This indeed helped make a bloody war in a remote piece of desert more palatable. The strong historical focus of this project is a means of exploring the boundaries of the imaginative present as much or more so than it is about any attempt to describe any particular string of facts about 'what happened'.