The brutal divide between family duty and self-preservation,between the power of love and the power of shame

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The title character blu to me is your average middle child. He tries to be noticed but he's not the oldest so he's not know for being the first to make mistakes or pave the way. He's not the youngest so he's not the baby and he wont get that attention because the baby gets a different type of attention which is because they are the last born and need nurturing. Blu's place in the …

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…Since the beginning blu was misunderstood and hard to follow but if you really think about it he's like everyone else when he or she are younger. We all have our ups and downs and at times we feel alone and misunderstood but life goes on and so do we. Everybody learns different ways to cope with the different curves that life throws us. Blu just took a little longer to get there then others.