The brandt report

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
The Brandt Report In 1977, Robert McNamara (the president of the World Bank) calls upon Willy Brandt to be the head of the ?independent Commission for international development issues.? Brandt accepted this assignment. He assembled a group of international statesmen and leaders to take a close look at the failure of the global economy and the problems plaguing developing nations, the north-south commission. The Brandt Commission made a set of recommendations to governments, international agencies, and …

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…nations ?Rather than making global economic rules and institutions equitable for every nation, restoring confidence and trust throughout the world, money and finance remain unregulated at the global level, resulting in currency instability, recession, and financial risk in developing nations The report contains little real substance, a collection of 'well intentioned' formulas but a bit over ambitious. The report has made little difference, yet still are good points which the future generation must think about.