The boss, a crutical analysis of Katherine Mansfield's The Fly

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Boss We have all experienced traumatic incidents in our lives. Some of us have endured more than others. But the question remains: How much is enough? At what point is a person tired of fighting? When will a person give up hope for survival? Such is the question that confronts the boss in Katherine Mansfields short story, 'The Fly.' The boss is an intelligent and determined individual who has overcome many obstacles in …

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…everybody has a limit The boss though, is not able to recognize his own limit. The fly is extremely significant in this piece because it gives the boss an understanding of human nature and human resiliency. The boss in this story is like many people. Through this story comes a realization that life has its 'ups and downs'. It makes an individual think about his or her own ability to endure. What is YOUR limit?