The books "Patriotism" by Yukio Mishima and "Sofia Petrovna" by Lydia Chukovskaya, show its audience how loyal, dedicated, and sometimes ignorant the people of China and Japan were in the 1930's.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Authoritarian Rule Over the Japanese and Chinese Citizens in the 20th Century The books "Patriotism" by Yukio Mishima and "Sofia Petrovna" by Lydia Chukovskaya, show its audience how loyal, dedicated, and sometimes ignorant the people of China and Japan were in the 1930's. The authoritarian nationalist regime gave little freedom to its citizens in both cultures. Although not readily seen in the book "Patriotism", one can see the effects of totalitarian rule on the Soviet …

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…these countries followed without question. With the Soviet government, you had Stalin coercing the people of his country that his government's practices were for the best. With the Japanese government you had an emperor who did not necessarily care about what is best for the people, but what is best for the country. This ideology seemed to win over the nationalist sympathetics who aligned their viewpoints with what was best for the country of Japan.