The benefits of migration to Britain.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
In his article "Let everyone in is a dangerous immigration policy" Andrew Green asserts that migration should be monitored seriously in Britain because it will result in overcrowding and loss of national identity. According to the public opinion poll, 56 percent of people mentioned it as an issue of concern. Additionally, the population of Britain is rising for the first time because the number of those who stay minus those who leave is positive and the …

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…Klaipėda, Lithuania. 4 Oct. 2005. Green, Andrew. "Let them in is a dangerous immigration policy." The Times 28 August 2004: 28. Newspaper Source. EBSCO HOST Research Databases. Otonas and Raimonda Balciunai Library, Klaipėda, Lithuania 17 Oct. 2005. Rossant, John. "EU: Choking Off Its New Blood" Business Week 15 Mar. 2004: 48-48. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO HOST Research Databases. Otonas and Raimonda Balciunai Library, Klaipėda, Lithuania, 4 Oct. 2005.