The beatles influence on western civilization

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
The Beatles were one of the greatest bands of all time. Almost every band today has some type of influence from the Beatles. These four men from Liverpool changed music in The United States forever. They were the biggest outside influence on Western Civilization music ever and it still remains that way. The Beatles awakened the U.S. to British musical talent. The Beatles opened the door for many musical acts today. When the Beatles …

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…and their newfound real status as pampered plutocrats. In the spring of 1970 the Beatles formally disbanded. In the years that followed, all four members went on to produce solo albums of variable quality and popularity. Lennon released a corrosive set of songs with his new wife, Yoko Ono, and McCartney went on to form a band, Wings, that turned out a fair number of commercially successful recordings in the 1970s. Starr and Harri ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**