The ballad of the desert surfer

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Essay Database > Literature
I'm driving along a deserted road, deserted and dusty, In my four wheel drive, old and rusty, All I see for miles on end Is an infinite expanse of desert and sand. My dog is panting with his head out of the window And his tongue flapping around in the wind, All I see in the horizon's eye, A little town, With my stomach a- rumble and my lips a-dry. I drive slowly through the …

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…high by the power of the wave And we fly through the air like a kite. We close on the men as they run through the town, But their fate is sealed, they perish and drown. The village is lost, never to be found, The water slowly sinks to the ground. Many years have past by now And the boy is grown up And still tells the story of when he surfed in the desert.