"The arby" by joyce

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the Araby by James Joyce there are two things that the narrator expects to find. Fist he hoped to find a gift for Mangan's sister the girl who he is infatuated with and second he hopes to escape his household into a new and confident independence, to follow his feeling for Mangan's sister into the adult world. However, when he arrives at the bazaar called Araby, which represents for the boy a new world …

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…not what he imagines them to be. Instead they are more like the book he found in his room that portrays woman as whores. As the lights go out, he feels miserably out of his element and burns up with anguish and anger especially at the thought of returning to Mangan's sister empty-handed after his promise to get her a gift and more generally at his apparent uselessness to move confidently in the adult world.