The appeal of Socialism. Refers also to Sinclair's "The Jungle is a 'subliminal"

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Essay Database > History > North American History
During the late 1800's and early 1900's hundreds of thousands of European immigrants migrated to the United States of America. They had aspirations of success, prosperity and their own conception of the American Dream. The majority of the immigrants believed that their lives would completely change for the better and the new world would bring nothing but happiness. Advertisements that appeared in Europe offered a bright future and economic stability to these naive and hopeful …

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…well as the could it was an attempt to commonize the working class. The Marxist theory of communism stemmed from the ideologies displayed by socialism. The masses of the population were controlled by a small elite. Sinclair was a believer in socialism, and Jurgis was a member of the party. But fortunately for today's working force, the concept and potential threat of socialism was stifled before it could make a permanent mark of American society.