The amzon rain forest. this essay is about the amazon rain forest and how much longer it will be around for it got me a good grade hope fully for you.

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it is done in standered text u can change if desired."We know there will be problems in environmental terms, many Serious problems, but it is a matter of economics. There won't be any Complete disaster, and what we cannot solve, well, that's the price we have To pay. There is a constant war that is being fought in the rainforests South America. The death toll is one that far surpasses any other war in …

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…happy for a while before it destroys us. Thus The war between the two has been going on for nearly 200 years, and it is Not close to being over. The distant light at the end of the tunnel is faint the spreading of knowledge is a slow process that takes many years. Hopefully, if we work together to save the rainforest we can make up for our own negligence and win the war against ourselves.