The american way of living comparied to the Swedish

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The American Way Of Living Who is more likely to say: "I am big and I'm beautiful, and I'm going to make all my dreams come true"! The Americans or the Swedes? How about: "Who do you think you are, don't you dare speak load about it"? Let me tell you something about these two countries and answer these questions for you. Countries have been created round people who live in a certain area and …

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…am glad that it does exist and even though the dream can seem like a delusion at times, it does give some hope for millions both inside and outside of her borders. And although I may get angry with the bureaucracy and the order and the seeming apathy of Swedes and Sweden, I still prefer that there is at least one country in the world that cares for all and not just for itself. A+