The alternate side of wind power

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
For thousands of years, wind has turned windmills, flown kites, cooled houses and filled sails, as technological advances are breathing new life into the usage of wind power as a clean, renewable, cost-effective means of generating electricity. Wind energy has become one of the most rapidly expanding industries on the planet. The world added 2,100 megawatts of new wind energy generating capacity in 1998, a new all time record, and 35 percent more than was added in 1997 (Flavin). …

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…for Wind Energy." World Watch March/April 1999. World Watch Institute. 14 June 2004 <> United States. Dept. of Energy. Energy efficiency and Renewable Energy. Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Energy. 24 October 2003. 14 June 2004 <> Wind Power Gathers Speed. Australian Academy of Science. Aug. 1998. Commonwealth Bank Foundation. 14 June 2004 <>