The aims and methods of the League of Nations between 1931 and 1935

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Essay Database > History > European History
The League of Nations was formaed after the countries that had been involved in the first world war decided they needed an alternative way of solving international problems to avoid another war. The league's main aim was to keep the peace. The League's main methods were disarmament to reduce suspicion and having as many members as possible for collective security. The League did not actually have an army and depended on the main powers Britain …

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…with the conquest of Abysinia. The league was basically dead. After this, Italy and Germany became allies. Britain and France had lost on both accounts: the league was a failure and they had lost Italy as an ally. By the end of 1935, countries were using alternative ways of securing their country against the threat of Germany. This greatly damaged the leagues aims of peace and trusting among countries and the league failed because of this.