"The age of the knowledge worker". What does this mean, and how might control methods and strategies differ as the job and workforce change in this way.

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The Manual Worker replaced by the Knowledge Worker Drucker saw the knowledge worker come of age in the 21st century. In order to analyse its effects and application methods, Drucker compared the Knowledge worker to the prior economy consisting of the "Manual Worker". The Knowledge economy is more focused on people's knowledge as the main asset, whereas the Manual-Worker economy is focused on production equipment and non-human capital. To assist Drucker's comparison, he focused on …

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…D., (1997). The Distributed Mind: Achieving High Performance Through the Collective Intelligence of Knowledge Work Teams. New York: AMACOM, a division of the American Management Association. Goleman, D. (1999) Working with Emotional Intelligence. London: Bloomsbury. Handy, C. (1993) Understanding Organisations. London, Penguin. Mandow, N. (2001) A boss to die for, Unlimited, May 2001 Issue. Semler, R. (1989) Managing without Managers, Harvard Business Review, 67(5): 76-84. Story, M. (1st of January 2003), Sharing knowledge the key to success, Herald: Business Herald Management, Section D