The accomplishments and struggle of Mohandas Gandhi and how he has inspired me.

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
As the new millennium dawns upon us, I consider Mahatma Gandhi as a immaculate role model to follow. His shrewd characteristics, and his peaceful ways made him the perfect man to emulate. The violence that we see in the television each day shows us how desolate the world has become, but Mahatma Gandhi's teachings say we should institute peace. It is Gandhi's bravery and intelligence that makes him an ideal role model. For instance, Mahatma …

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…efforts to reconcile Hindus and Muslims. Gandhi in many different ways enlightened the world. He gave Martin Luther King Jr. the idea of protesting with nonviolence. This man gave me hope that all people in the world did not turn to violence as an answer. He showed me an understanding of peace and the rewards that come with this act. I have now known that through obedience and training I can control my anger within.