The aboriton controversy

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The Abortion Controversy For centuries, abortion has been a heated topic among all peoples. Ever since abortions have been performed in the United States, they have been protested and debated by many. Both sides of the issue have been sharply disputed to no avail. One of the most famous abortion cases is that of Roe vs. Wade. It was the very case that made abortion laws what they are today. In 1973, abortion was legalized under …

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…is a huge psychological strain to be dealt with by only the woman. Why would she want to carry the child of a man who committed a violent act such as rape on her? Another position where I find it almost obligatory is in the case of incest. As this isn't terrible enough as it is, an added issue of pregnancy is devastating. In these cases, I believe that sometimes abortion is the only answer.