"The Zoo" by Helen Dunmore.

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Essay Database > History > European History
"The Zoo" is an Essay written by Helen Dunmore and published in the book: "Love of Fat Men" in 1997. In the following essay I will focus on what I think Dunmore would like the reader to focus on. I will try to read deeper between the lines and accentuate the important things in this story. This essay illustrates how the way of being a mother can be done in several different ways. It makes no …

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…little monkey. And she'd been thinking of him as a human baby, like her Michael and Jamie when they learned to walk." I don't think this episode only shall be regarded as a comparison of the boys learning to walk and the orang-utan baby learning to walk, but by looking at it more loose I will interpret this whole orang-utan episode as a general upbringing by a mother whether it's an animal or a human.