The Young Enterprise program.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Coming home, chilled to the bone and exhausted with an empty stomach, I didn't bother to rush to the kitchen as usual but dropped my head against the window, listlessly. It didn't help. That mocking snicker still haunted me, distorting itself into grating shriek, driving my mind and body into the irresistible dark hole of nonentity. The very first meeting of Young Enterprise program was not what I imagined. Thirteen British and one Vietnamese students …

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…college. How proud I am to wear Ao Dai, my traditional costume to perform in the fan dance and how pleased to receive compliments for authentic Vietnamese foods, they still live vividly in my mind. At the moment, my colleagues know me not only as an amiable and friendly admissions officer but also a Vietnamese girl who is always keen on representing Vietnam landscape postcard and telling Vietnam fairy tales. This time it really helps.