"The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins The teacher asked us to read this short story and them write a summery of it and relate to the world or our lives in some way.

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
The story "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is told in the first person point of view by Jane. She is living in a house with her husband John, his sister and many workers. <Tab/>The story starts out with Jane talking about the house and how she thought it was odd that her husband John had gotten the house for so cheap. She wondered what was wrong with it …

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…tell what different parts of this story actually meant because a crazy person tells it, thus what's being read is unreliable. It would have been interesting to hear the tale from another point of view. If the people of the Victorian age knew what we knew today about mental problems, the situation in this story could have been avoided; but they didn't so Jane went crazy and maybe killed her husband without even knowing it.