The Yellow Baboon- General Characteristics of Mammals, structure, scientific classsification, adaptions, communication and courtship

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Essay Database > History
General Characteristics of Class Mammalia Mammals are the most evolved and adapted of the five Chordate classes. They include around 5000 species placed in around 26 different orders. Mammals are divided into 3 different major groups according to their embryonic development. Monotremes, although there are only 3 known living species (e.g. the platypus), are ovoviparous, but still suckle their young from simple mammory glands. Marsupials, give birth to tiny embryos which attach to the mothers nipple in the …

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…the young are usually his, he may also help her if they are not!) or supple them with food. Some females actually prefer such "friendlier" males as mates over the aggressive males that fight over the females. The baboon is said to have got its name from the Egyptian baboon god, Babi, that was an attendant of Thoth, the god of writing. Baboons were also mummified as sacred beasts, and their images carved into temples.