The Year I Was Born: 1979

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Essay Database > History
" The Year of My Birth: 1979" So here I was, arriving into the world, at the end of the 70's, the wildest and craziest decade since the Roaring 20's. Hairstyles, clothing fashions, music and dance, and just about every other aspect of society was experiencing a liberating and expanding consciousness. It seems I missed all the fun. Major trends included a growing disullisionment of government, advances in civil rights, increased influence of the women's movement, a …

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…of focusing on getting it done, I find myself distracted with making it different, trying to make it better. We live in a society today that seems to be "unsatisfied" in every thing we do. Nothing is ever good enough. We always want to make it better. And we wonder why we are so stressed out? Our world today is super fast-paced. I personally think we should return ourselves to more appreciative frame of mind.